Ting Zhang, Ph.D. Extended Bio

Ting Zhang, Associate Director & Associate Professor


Public Radio for Northeast Ohio, “With Credit Tight, Millennial Entrepreneurs Travel a Different Path”, Invited Media Interview on millennial entrepreneurs, by Kellie Nock, Mar 5, 2018.

Meeting jobs.com, Here’s why entrepreneurship is booming for older boomers”. By Lois Gilbert. Mar 1, 2018. https://meetingjobs.com/heres-entrepreneurship-booming-older-boomers/.

FinLit Talks, “with Ting Zhang of the University of Baltimore on An Investigation on Health Impact

of Self-Employment”, media research interview. Dec 16, 2016. https://vimeo.com/195991978?_cldee=dHpoYW5nQHViYWx0LmVkdQ%3d%3d&recipientid=contact-e875720a0fdbe211ba633cd92beec6c8-f03545331784478a8907f3e5536fc28e&esid=0ac929f7-c831-e711-80c3-00155d028307.

Baltimore Sun, on Maryland Employment and Economic Growth, interviewed by Natalie Sherman. Oct 21, 2016.

Forbes, Yes, You Can Start A Business In Retirement”, by Chris Farrell, https://www.forbes.com/sites/nextavenue/2016/09/19/yes-you-can-start-a-business-in-retirement/#67a6bdb648bc. Sep 19, 2016.

Inc. Magazine, on seniors starting companies, interviewed by Leigh Buchanan, May 25, 2016.

Baltimore Sun, on Employment Growth in Education and Health Sector in Maryland, interviewed by Natalie Sherman. Jan 26, 2016.

Baltimore Business Journal, Nov 20, 2015 “Manufacturing shows slight uptick for first time in decades” by Timothy Sandoval, http://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/news/2015/11/20/manufacturing-shows-slight-uptick-for-first-time.html

University of Baltimore News, Oct 29, 2015. “UB Researcher Undertakes Extensive Study of Lives of Entrepreneurial Baby Boomers: Kaufmann Foundation Supports Research into a Neglected Topic: What Happens to Older Entrepreneurs?,” by University Relations. http://www.ubalt.edu/news/news-releases.cfm?id=2047.

The Wall Street Journal, on older and boomer small business owners, interviewed by Ruth Simon, October 13, 2015.

Baltimore Business Journal, Jul 27, 2015 “Here are the sectors with the most jobs in Greater Baltimore” by Timothy Sandoval, http://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/news/2015/07/27/here-are-the-sectors-with-the-most-jobs-in-greater.html.

The Baltimore Sun, July 21, 2015, “Maryland loses 6,200 jobs in June,” by Natalie Sherman, http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bs-bz-june-jobs-20150721-story.html.

Market Watch, Retirement Weekly, November 7, 2014, “Does being self-employed result in better health?” by Robert Powell. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/does-being-self-employed-result-in-better-health-2014-11-07.

Time, July 17, 2014. “3 Tips for Launching Your Labor-of-Love Business,” by Chris Farrell. http://time.com/money/3001781/changing-careers-midlife-entrepreneurs/.

University of Baltimore News, July 21, 2014. “Business Professor: It’s Never Too Late to Start a New Career,” by University Relations. http://www.ubalt.edu/news/news-releases.cfm?id=2047.

Retriever Net, April, 2014. Stories about UMBC’s Alumni,” by UMBC Alumni Community,http://umbcalumni.wordpress.com/2014/04/16/career-qa-ting-zhang-03-m-a-intercultural-communications-professor/.

Yahoo Finance, October 30, 2013Media Advisory: Noted Experts on Entrepreneurship to Speak at National Press Club Conference on the Entrepreneurship Imperative for Engaging People 50 and Older”, by Center for Productive Longevity, available from the World Wide Web http://finance.yahoo.com/news/media-advisory-noted-experts-entrepreneurship-115500666.html.

Epoch Times, November 13, 2013, “Public Policy Experts Want Older Entrepreneurs”, by Gary Feuerberg, available from the World Wide Web http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/358349-public-policy-experts-want-older-entrepreneurs/.

Cardhub, November 20, 2013, “Ask The Experts: Starting a Business in Retirement,” by John Kiernan, available from the World Wide Web http://www.cardhub.com/edu/ask-the-experts-starting-a-business-in-retirement/.

National Public Radio –WEAA station,Marc Steiner show interview, June 10, 2013-Segment 3, China’s economic and political growth,” retrievable from the World Wide Web http://www.steinershow.org/podcasts/international-politics/chinas-economic-and-political-growth/.

Newswise and University of Baltimore News, December 2012, “Professor’s Book Explores Dynamics Between Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth in China,” retrievable from the World Wide Web http://www.ubalt.edu/about-ub/news-events/index.cfm?news_id=1684#.UMIJi9Wf1bc.email, and http://www.newswise.com/articles/professor-s-book-explores-dynamics-between-entrepreneurship-and-economic-growth-in-china.

Employment & Training Reporter, November 19, 2012, by editor Hess, R., “Job Search: Studies Find Maryland, Detroit Reemployment, Hunt Lesson–Free State Recovery,” Washington DC:.MII Publications Inc. retrievable from the World Wide Web https://www.jacobfrance.org/wp-content/uploads/ETR111912.pdf.

The Bloomberg BusinessWeek, April 30, 2012, by editor Farrell, C. “Older Entrepreneurs Start Companies Too,” available at the World Wide Webhttp://www.businessweek.com/articles/2012-04-30/older-entrepreneurs-start-companies-too.

The Baltimore Sun, March 13, 2012, by Mirabella, L., “Md. adds 5,000 jobs in Jan. as unemployment hits 3-year low: Jobless rate in state falls to 6.5 percent,” available at the World Wide Webhttp://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bs-bz-job-numbers-january-20120313,0,6145578.story.

The Gerontology Society of America,Aging Means Business Newsletter, Vol 2, No. 2, Fall 2012, available at the World Wide Webhttp://www.geron.org/Publications/E-Newsletters/aging-means-business-e-newsletter/article/1385.

The Baltimore Sun, December 17, 2011, by  Hopkins, J. and Calvert, S.“Tax credit for homeowners means big break for some, nothing for thousands: Homestead credit, created with tax relief in mind, has had unintended effects in Baltimore for years,” available at the World Wide Web  http://www.baltimoresun.com/business/bs-bz-baltimore-homestead-credits-20111217,0,5608651.story.

The Gerontologist, 2010, 50 (6), book review by Wassel, J., “Older Entrepreneurs as the New Economic Frontier.” available at the World Wide Web http://gerontologist.oxfordjournals.org/content/50/6/863.extract

Business Opportunity, May 3, 2012, by Lanza, C.“Baby Boomers, the Time to Start Your Own Business Is Now!” available at the World Wide Web http://www.businessopportunity.com/Blog/baby-boomers-time-to-start-your-business-is-now/.

Southern Gerontologist, Vol. XXII, No. 3-4, Fall / Winter 2010, by Wassel, J., “President’s Message: New Aging Enterprise,” available at the World Wide Web http://www.southerngerontologicalsociety.org/sgs/newsletter/SoGe22-3-4.pdf.

PubMed, 2010, PMID:21051464, book review by Wassel, J.: “Older Entrepreneurs as the New Economic Frontier.” available at the World Wide Web http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21051464.

The Mason Gazette, Mar 25, 2008, by Rappaport, J.: “SPP Alumna Wins Book Contract with Elderly Entrepreneurship Research,” http://gazette.gmu.edu/articles/11728/.

Public Policy Currents, Vol 9, Issue 1, Feb 2008:SPP Alumna Wins with Elderly Entrepreneurship”.

The Patriot Entrepreneur, Spring 2007, Vol. 1 Issue 4: “PhD Student awarded Kauffman Grant to study entrepreneurship.” http://patriotentrepreneur.gmu.edu/issues/apr_2007/kauffman.html.

The Mason Gazette, Standout Students, Dec, 6, 2006, by Andrews, D., “Public Policy PhD Student Awarded Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship,” http://gazette.gmu.edu/articles/9419/.

Public Policy Currents, Vol 6, Issue 4, Dec 2006: “PhD Student Zhang awarded Kauffman Dissertation Fellowship.”

State Science & Technology Institute Digest, Special Digest Edition as Part of Entrepreneurship Week, issue; Feb 26, 2007, “Recent Research: Does Education Drive New Firm Survival?”

Other Selected Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Zhang, T. Gerlowski, G. (2018). Book Review: Who Will Care For Us? By P. Osterman. Perspectives of Work, pp. 82-83.

Zhang, T. and Acs, Z. (2017). “Boomer Entrepreneurs: Heterogeneities, Driving Factors and Economic Impact,” Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation Research Paper Series. Vol. 11, No. 14: Apr 3, 2017

Kang, Y., Miller, N., Tzeng , H. and Zhang, T. (2018, submitted). “Rural Disparities in Hospital Patient Satisfaction: Multilevel Analysis of the Massachusetts AHA, SID, and HCAHPS Data,” submitted to the Journal of Patient Experience, submitted on April 16, 2018 and R&R on May 29, 2018. Accepted on June 19, 2019, Sage.

Zhang, T. (2016). “Age and Entrepreneurship,” State of the Field, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Available at http://www.kauffman.org/microsites/state-of-the-field/topics/background-of-entrepreneurs/demographics/age. September 2016.

Zhang, T. (2014). “The Retired, the Resigned, or the Laid-off? Who Are the Urban Self-employed?” Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Volume 14 Issue 4. Page 7-14. May, 2014. Cited by 1 as of April 1, 2018.

Zhang, T. (2014). “Do Socially Responsible Investment Funds Under-perform The Market? Evidence from China”. International Journal of Management Research and Business Strategy. Vol. 3, No. 1. Page 112-131. January, 2014. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= http://www.ijmrbs.org/ijmrbsadmin/upload/IJMRBS_52dc143736342.pdf. Cited by 2 as of April 1, 2018.

Zhang, T. (2011), “Workforce Investment Act Training for Older Workers: Toward a Better Understanding of Older Worker Needs during the Economic Recovery,” US Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Research & Publication, No. ETAOP 2011-10. Cited by 3 as of April 1, 2018. https://wdr.doleta.gov/research/fulltext_documents/etaop_2011-10.pdf.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2009). “Business age, another source of employment growth,” Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology Papers. Available at http://www.fcsm.gov/09papers/Zhang_XI-B.pdf.

Sowell, R., Zhang, T., Bell, N. and Redd, K. (2008), “PhD Completion Project: Analysis of Baseline Demographic Data,” CGS Communicator. Vol. 41. Issue 6, July 2008. Cited by 12 for two versions as of April 1, 2018

Zhang, T. (2007), “The Role of Graduate Education in Regional Economic Growth,” CGS Communicator. Vol.40. Issue 5, June 2007.

Sowell, R., Zhang, T., Redd, K., Newbig, E. (2007), “Ph.D. Completion Project: Analysis of Baseline Program Data,” CGS Communicator. Vol.40. Issue 10, December 2007. Cited by 11 for two versions as of April 1, 2018

Acs, Z., Armington, C, and Zhang, T. (2007). “The Determinants of New-firm Survival across Regional Economies,” Papers on Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy2007-04, Max Planck Institute of Economics, Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group. Available at http://ideas.repec.org/p/esi/egpdis/2007-04.html. Cited by 7 as of April 1, 2018

Zhang, T. (2006), “Later Retirement for an Aging Workforce in the Knowledge Economy,” IMPLAN National User’s Conference 6th Biennial Conference Proceeding, 2006.

Zhang, T., (2004), “Traveler Information for an Aging Population,” Journal of Intelligent Transportation Society of Virginia, 4th Qtr, 2004, pp. 4-11.

Ruth, S., Booppanon, S., and Zhang, T. (2004), “Using Accessible Data Sources to Determine Telecom Diffusion Capabilities of Developing Nations: a MENA Perspective,” Annual Review of Communications, 2004, Vol. 57 (Chicago, IEC, 2004), pp 485-495, ISBN: 1-931695-28-8.

Selected Peer reviewed Funded Reports

Zhang, T, and Acs, Z. (2017). “Heterogeneity of Boomer Entrepreneurs”, submitted to the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation for the funded grant #20150528, January 2017.

Zhang, T. (2015), “Ex-Offender Employment in the Johns Hopkins Health System: 2009-2012 Hires,” Abell Foundation and Johns Hopkins Health System. July 2015.

Zhang, T., Stevens, D. and Li, J. (2014), “Skills Gap Estimates for Institutional and Individual Decision-Making: A Progress Report,” Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations and Jacob France Institute Research Publication: https://www.jacobfrance.org/wp-content/uploads/JFI-Skills-Gap-Report-to-DLLR-6-30-14-FINAL-0729.pdf, or www.voced.edu.au/word/66495. July, 2014. Cited by 1 as of April 1, 2018.

Stevens, D. and Zhang, T. (2014), “Toward A Business Case for Sustained Investment in State Longitudinal Integrated Data Systems,” U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Policy Development and Research, Division of Strategic Planning and Performance, Washington DC. An abbreviated version of the report is published at http://www.workforcedqc.org/sites/default/files/images/JFI%20wdqi%20research%20report%20January%202014.pdf. January, 2014. Cited by 2 as of April 1, 2018.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2013), “Neglecting the “L” in a Longitudinal integrated Data System Can be a Costly Mistake,” U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Policy Development and Research, Division of Strategic Planning and Performance, Washington DC. University of Taxes Research Series: http://raymarshallcenter.org/files/2013/04/Longitudinal_Data_Systems_DStevens.pdf. Also available at https://www.jacobfrance.org/documents/DLLR-WDQ-1-4-13.pdf.

Zhang, T., Li, J., and Stevens, D. (2013), “Maryland Business Births: Prior Employment and Social Program Participation of the New Hires,” Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations.

Zhang, T., Li, J., and Stevens, D. (2013), “What Happens to Employees when a Business Closes? Post-closure Employment and Social Service Profiles,” Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations.

Zhang, T., Stevens, D. and Li, J. (2013), “Maryland Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2012,” Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2012), “Integrated Data System Person Identification: Accuracy Requirements and Methods,” U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Policy Development and Research, Division of Strategic Planning and Performance, Washington DC. 19 pp.; https://www.jacobfrance.org/documents/MD-WDQI-Person-Identification-Report.pdf. Cited by 2 as of April 1, 2018.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2012), “Repeated and Combined Participation in Workforce, Education and Social Program Services: Preliminary Evidence from Maryland Administrative Data Sources,” U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, Office of Policy Development and Research, Division of Strategic Planning and Performance, Washington DC. Maryland State Publications: http://mdstatedocs.slrc.info/cdm/ref/collection/mdgov/id/4519; Also available at Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation: http://www.dllr.maryland.gov/wdplan/wdqirepeated.pdf.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2011), “Job Creation in Maryland, 2004-2009: An Overview,” Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations Publication, available at http://www.dllr.state.md.us/lmi/mdjobcreation.pdf.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2011), “Maps of Maryland Employment Dynamics before, during, and after the Recession,” Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulations Publication, available at http://www.dllr.state.md.us/lmi/mapsmdemployment.pdf.

Stevens, D. and Zhang, T. (2011), “What Happens to the Employees when a Business Closes?” Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance. Available at https://www.jacobfrance.org/documents/Zhang-Stevens-Business-Closure-Report.pdf.

Stevens, D. and Zhang, T. (2009). “WIA Title 1B Common Measures Performance Expectations: A Two-Cycle Historical Perspective 1990-2007,”submitted to the U.S. Department of Labor.

Sowell, R., Zhang, T., Bell, N. and Redd, K. (2008), Ph.D. Completion and Attrition: Analysis of Baseline Demographic Data of the Ph.D. Completion Project, Washington, D.C.: Council of Graduate Schools. ISBN: 1-933042-18-4.

Sowell, R., Zhang, T., and Redd, K. (2007), Ph.D. Completion and Attrition: Analysis of Baseline Program Data of the Ph.D. Completion Project, Washington, D.C.: Council of Graduate Schools. ISBN: 1-933042-13-3.

Other Selected Project Reports

Zhang, T., Stevens, D., and Stack, T. (2012), Labor Market Forum: Maryland Business and Employment Dynamics, submitted to Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2012), “Anne Arundel County Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2011,” submitted to Anne Arundel County Workforce Development Corporation.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2011), “Carroll County Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2010,” submitted to Carroll County Department of Economic Development.

Stevens, D. and Zhang, T. (2010), “Baltimore City Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Baltimore City Workforce Investment Board, Youth Council Meeting, and Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2010), “Baltimore County Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Baltimore County Workforce Development Council and Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2010), “Howard County Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Howard County Economic Development Authority Board of Directors.

Stevens, D. and Zhang, T. (2010), “Southern Maryland Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Southern Maryland Workforce Investment Board and Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2010), “Mid-Maryland Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Mid-Maryland Workforce Investment Board and Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Stevens, D. and Zhang, T. (2010), “Montgomery County Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Stevens, D. and Zhang, T. (2010), “Prince George’s County Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2010), “Frederick County Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2010), “Lower Shore Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Stevens, D. and Zhang, T. (2010), “Harford County Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2010), “West Maryland Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2009,” submitted to Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Zhang, T. and Stevens, D. (2009), “Cecil County Business and Employment Dynamics: 2004-2008,” submitted to Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and RegulationOffice of Workforce Information and Performance.

Nicogossian, A., Schintler, L., Mutone-Smith. D. Zhang. T. et al. (2005) “Critical Infrastructure Protection in the National Capital Region: Risk-Based Foundations for Resilience and Sustainability,” University Consortium for Infrastructure Protection. In fulfillment of: Department of Homeland Security Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Grant 03-TU-03; and Department Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Grant 2003CKWX0199.